Wednesday, January 29, 2014

On body shape and insecurities

Hey you,

This topic has been addressed by so many people in different ways; it's not exactly a new concept. However, because this is my space and I can post whatever the hell I want, I think I'll add my two cents.

The tide is shifting in our world. For males and females alike, the focus was once on being muscled/ripped or tall/skinny (respectively). Everyone got into the idea that that was what was attractive, any other way was the wrong way and you'd be shot down. And now (this is where it becomes female oriented, I don't have a penis therefore cannot speak for the male population) it's all CURVES!!! Like the Dove love your body campaign, the photo shows beautiful curvy woman, and to me personally, that seems like the new ideal. Guys only like curves, not a bag of bones, so to speak.

So basically, it doesn't matter if you're carrying a little bit of extra weight, it makes you beautiful and feminine. (quote 'Fat Bottomed Girls' and 'Baby Got Back' - the infamous 'I like big buts' line). This body shape was once frowned upon, it was like 'YOU'RE TOO FAT LOSE SOME WEIGHT OR YOU'LL DIE' but now with curves being the in thing and plus size models popping up everywhere and inspiring young girls, it's more like -


See this is where it hits me personally. I am 19 years old, have competed in various sports since I was about 6 years old. I am flat up and down, I am muscle and bone. My curves include my collar bone, shoulders and my hip bones. It is difficult for me to gain weight, and when I do, it comes in the form of muscle. I've weighed roughly the same since I was about 15 years old. And it really hits deep where I see curves everywhere and I look at me and I'm like 'wtf'. There are two things I cannot stand: Being called too skinny, and being called a dumb blonde. I am neither of the two, I am not anorexic, I am at a perfectly healthy weight for my age and height. Neither am I dumb, for f***s sake.

Funny how things change...first the bigger girls feel insecure and now the slimmer ones do. Can't really win can you. Everyone has body insecurities. Find me someone who says they don't so I can shake them by the hand and call them a liar.

If I caused offence, I'm sorry (not really).


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