Tuesday, August 13, 2013

It's random rant time!

Hey you!


I'm pretty excited, if you couldn't tell. I LOVE the Mortal Instrument series, second all time favourite book series! Currently re reading City of Fallen Angels (the fourth book). Just hope they don't ruin the book...I will not be happy. But Cassie Clare (author) seems to be happy with everything so I'm sure her huge fan base will be too. Mortal Instruments is fantasy/romance based about a race of half human half angel warriors who kill demons, so if that sounds like your thing, I suggest you pick them up. If you're quick you could still claim that you've read the book before the movie :D

Trailer for City of Bones: Click here!

Rant time!

I'll keep it short...

So I have this ex boyfriend right, who says he's still in love with me. It's been 8 months since I broke it off, but I feel like he still won't leave me alone (just realised he might be able to see this, but you know what, I don't really care). It's just things I've heard through friends, things he's said that make me feel like it's not over yet. Though personally I haven't seen or communicated with him for at least a couple of months now. He always said that I was his one true love, but I don't understand how that can be if I didn't feel the same way? Is that kind of thing possible? I feel like it could even just have been infatuation...like I read poetry that I wrote about him and I don't FEEL anything from it, like it's empty, its lost all its meaning and now it's just words on paper. I definitely don't think the same about other stuff I've written, which in a way is kind of a relief. I've also come to the realisation that the ratio of good moments:bad moments between him and my other ex are totally different...which in a way was surprising. But anyway I guess I can only move forward :) As a side note, definitely liking being single right now!


I have the flu and I feel gross.

Mini chewy Sweetarts are the bestest lollies ever.

If anyone has been in a similar situation to me, I'd love to hear about it!


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