Friday, September 6, 2013

Things that piss the hell out of me!

I'm not going to call them 'pet peeves' for two reasons
a) I don't like the term
b) It's so mainstream and generic...something I try not to be.

WARNING! Don't take any of this personally. If you do, don't cry about it, you're the one who chose to read the post!

Here's a picture of some piglets to make everyone happy again.
Here we go!

  • People who throw rubbish on the ground! Especially when there's a bin like 2 metres away. Really annoys me, it's just so disrespectful!
  • Spitting in public. Just ew.
  • People who don't show up for lectures then ask for your notes. I don't mind this for people who were sick on the day or had some other legit reason, but when you 'slept in' or 'just couldn't be bothered' or 'didn't have enough money for fuel because I spent it on McDonalds' get the drift. Here's what goes on in my head: 'I really don't want to give you my notes, but I will anyway, because otherwise I'll get the reputation of class bitch, even though it would be totally unfair to myself.'
  • People who try and hold a conversation with me during a lecture/while I'm reading/listening to music...and then wonder why they're being ignored.
  • Ok, so I'm a hard working person, with no student allowance with a part time job doing full time study right? I pay my taxes, and I don't mind that they go to the upkeep of roads, all the infrastucture stuff, blah de blah. What I really don't like is when my hard earned money, goes towards the dole/student allowance/sickness benefit then you hear about people on those benefits putting all that money into booze, crap stuff in general that is not essential to keep you alive. For me personally, when I had the student allowance, all my money went to rent/groceries/fuel. And quite frankly, that's how it should be. 
  • People who think they're 'skux' and play music loudly from their phones in public. Most of the time it's shitty mainstream stuff. If it were the Goo Goo Dolls, I'd probably go up and kiss that person.
  • 'Gangsters' who don't know what a belt is. 
  • Chicks who were leggings as pants. THEY ARE NOT PANTS AND WE CAN ALL SEE YOUR UNDERWEAR SO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BUY SOME FRICKEN JEANS OR SOMETHING!!!!! See you've all made me really mad, I locked the caps!!!! But honestly, the only people who should be wearing something so skin tight with nothing over top, are ballet dancers and swimmers. 
  • Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj and their fans. I don't think any explanation is needed here.
I'm sure I have plenty more, but that's enough rage for now. Phew.


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